View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


Paper Salesman

Hard Knocks

One of the Coasts

Joined on 7/25/01

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it looks pretty awesome man. i bet ill see this on the front page. good luck on it.

ahhh thank God you decided to continue outlaw part two, hehe the main character if your game looks great can't wait till it's done, and about the sponsorship have you contacted Tom?

Great artwork, only thing that bothers me on that character is the large head-piece on his forehead.

Also Outlaw whoo, etc.

Because I don't have the time for a proper review, I'll just say quickyl that How to Succeed has some very nice lip-syching. The effort really showed. And I (quickly) dugged around and, although I imagine you've already seen this, take a look at Dave Teatro's old movie:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/19579">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /19579</a>



Should we call your protagonist "Mega Belmont" or "Belmont-Man"? I really want to know.

geez that means i did a madness/metroid tribute =( i got a retarted flash on the loose! XD o well parodys are still enjoyful to watch like some cheap humor is allways nice and helps promote the serious one cuz most likelly people will go "OMG that dood who did teh funneeey flash did sumffing lets watch it!"

Rule Number 6 For the Win!

Heh, Part 2 was more awesome than the prequel. =D
The thing we should worry about is the fact that you are right! O_o

So now that you are planning to do a flash about Megaman+Castlevania, I hope Outlaw won't be forgotten.

i like that pic he looks like he's resourceful as hell.

Right, so about this How To Succeed on Newgrounds business; It was funny, and true. The audio on it's own was kind of entertaining.

The animation though: There hardly was any. You CAN draw, probably don't need me to tell you that. But the way you put that art into MOTION lets your animations down alot. And that's consistent through all your stuff. If I'm echoin some shit you allready know here, then just ignore me, but I get the impression you don't allready know this. Animation is drawing a new frame again and again and again. Tweening does help if you use it sparingly, but you aren't. What I just watched would've benefitted if it had no animation and was released as like a podcast.

Right, so: sorry to sound like a dick, but your animation'd come out alot better if you spent less time drawing A frame and spent more time drawing SOME frames. Watch Dad's at Work, watch Brackenwood- Clearly you're no fan of Egoraptor, but his recent stuff has some TOP lip syncing.

Whenever I watch one of your movies, that just really bugs me. Sorry,

Part two was alright. I never really watched your flashes before, but both turned out to be great. As for the toon i'm seeing in front of me, it's a decent start, but you might want to lower the amount of red orb..things on his suit. Maybe add some glowing red stripes on the arm band and face mask instead? But hell, it's more original than most of the characters i've seen on Newgrounds. I tend to work on characters as well when i find time. Check my work out if you get bored of reading comments like this one.

Anyway, i hope you will meet success and make alot of great movies in the future. Cheers!

Castlevania and Megaman are always good.

And if you ever make a HTSoNG3, you've GOT to touch on the subject of internet memes. I'm seeing far too much of them in parodies and non-parodies alike. fooking 4chan influence : /

Hmm, don't think anyones tried to combine those two things before. So would you be fighting robots, monsters, or a combination of both? That design is sweet as hell tho.

That pretty awesome dude you made.

the game sounds ok, BUT i'd rather see Outlaw PT.2

hmm a cross between of castlvania and megaman.....that's interesting, can you elaborate? Are you trying to cross weapons or theme? I'm not sure on what the final product will be like from that description. Just curious by the way :3

cool looking guy! can't wait to play the game!