View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


Paper Salesman

Hard Knocks

One of the Coasts

Joined on 7/25/01

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7.62 votes
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Hold on, Outlaw is one of the best serious flash that Negrounds had got in the last time, I'm watching for your works!

thanks man, i really appreciate that.

That sure is one fancy belt.

That sure is a fancy monacle and mustache

glad to hear news from ya... but not as much anymore now that i read them through =/ life must be hard at this time... hope everything will get better soon for ye... and ur not a hobo till u really smell bad so dont worry... yet (?)

I guess ya have a very valid reason to postpone ur animations, $ to pay food and home is by far more important than E fame and no $

well anyways GL ull need it man

Yeah, shelter and food is a very high priority. However, E fame might be better. If I could just make 1,000,000 hypothetical dollars, I'd be set.


how can i be more like you

Damn, I feel bad for you. It's always the talented and hard working that have to get through the most shit. I wish I could help but I'm busy enough with my own life. Keep your chin up and don't loose hope, there is no way that you could end up on the streets with so much hard work supporting you as is.

I'm sure something will turn up. I just hope it turns up before I have to carry around a stick and bundle, and start singing kenny rogers.

And I just noticed that all the characters you draw, have tiny eyes in proportion to their heads. Strange style, but wicked none the less.
P.S. The guy appears as if he has some sort of implants under his shoulders. Scary.

I think you'll like what you see with the finished product. Thanks for the double comment.

wow that drawing looks awesome, and I'm sorry to hear about your hard time finding a job, I'm sure you'll find one eventually. I'm rooting for you =)

Thanks for the complement and root. Do you have any fat chicks you know I could whore myself out to? I'll take skinny too.

Damn man, don't feel rushed to do anything after all that... We'll be here when you get your shit together.

PS Nice pic, reminds me of Steve Fox from TEKKEN.

Thanks man, much appreciated. And yeah, I see where you're coming from with the character.

Now go make the best newgrounds movie ever. I'm sure you've got it in you.

actually, i don't know you, but looks like you're having a hard time (obviously) and i can't believe you're here on newgrounds, so, i think you're great for doing that, i hope you went good on your family lost... don't feel rushed for anything, everything can wait...

nice pic/drawing, what a weird belt, but it's cool... i have nothing left to say... so, bye.

thanks for the comment man. the belt is weird indeed, but i like it.

Keep on focusing on your own welfare, the people of newgrounds will understand perfectly if you need to put your flash projects further back when your having trouble with employment.

I'm working as hard as I can to get a job, but luckily for me it doesn't consume my entire day, so I still have some free time to work. It really is a set back, but I still enjoy animating enough to want to do it in what spare time I have these days. Thanks for the good words. <3

Amazing detail dude
i want to be able to draw like that but i have trouble with shadows got any tips?

also can't wait till Outlaw comes out the first part was epic ^^

The best thing to know about shadows is that you have to define a light source. Also, lighter things are closer to the viewer, and darker things are further away.

Thanks for the comment, and glad to see some excitement for part two. You da' man.

You might have to suck it up for while and just get a steady amount of money via a 'shit' job whilst looking for something you'll actually enjoy.

Didn't your college like, link you to anyone at all? That's a bit annoying.

I'm working on getting into grad-school, so that was my priority at the end of last semester. Regardless, you'd think they would help me out some how, but apparently not. Fuck.

Release more rocket crotch.

well i was going to get mad thinking you gave up on outlaw but now i cant you got a valid reason lol no just kidding but really where i work there hiring decent money get to meet people and meet women from around the world if your interested check my page on my description it explains what i do and i will hook you up

I respect the shit out of you for doing what you do, but I don't think I could hack it. High School football was hard enough for me. I'd get my ass handed to me in the army. But worry not, Outlaw is still being worked on simultaneously with my other project. I'm working as fast as I can without sacrificing quality. Good to hear from you again.

you're a real tool you know that? you never get any work done all you do is bitch about authors and just put a sign saying "ooh just kidding" so it would be automatically funny right? wrong! its completely unfunny and your sarcastic bullshit is getting old too, not that it was funny
people buy labels they don't buy by content, thats what you were saying , but thats the case in your flashes

:*( I am sad now. Also, you should take me off of your favorite artist list if you really feel that way. I just noticed I'm there.

every artist should accept censure shit you do it all the time rofl
i luv you

Well i hope you already found a work at this time, i liked outlaw, somehow he reminds me the Saint of killers, keep the good work.

hey thanks for ansewrign my comment i'll try that

also hows the new outlaw coming ^_^ i'm so excited!!!!

a..a..are you d..dead? :(

holy shit I just watched your how 2 succeed on Newgrounds movies and I gotta say

I fucking love you man, I agreed with everything, I was amazed to even see the reference to scary movie/epic movie etc. I fucking hate those movies too! I thought I was the only one.....

I loved your first outlaw and even how to succeed on NG even though it was crude and graphically shit. I got so much inspiration from outlaw part one, it helped me through some tough free write essays, and even gave me a sense of "shit, if this guy cant make it with his style of drawing, no fucking way I can." Oh ya about that mickey d's thing that ull nvr do, remember bill gate's 11 things you dont learn in school, see number 6, ive lived by these rules for a while.

Rule 1: Life is not fair...get used to it.

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $40,000/year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a cell-phone, until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He
doesn't have tenure.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a word for flipping burgers-they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up it's not your parents fault, so don't whine about
your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are
now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes, and
listening to how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the
parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life
hasn't. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give
you as many times as you want to get the answer right. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers and
Christmas break off, and very few employers are interested in helping you
find yourself. Do that on you own time.

Rule 10. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to
leave the coffee shop and go to work.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

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