Hey everyone. I've hit a slump in my production lately, and its starting to piss me off. I've been trying to work on a game in the hopes of getting sponsored for it, and its a process that I know very little about I've begun to realize. I'm determined to stick with it, because after graduating college with a degree in graphic design, I'm not about to waste half my summer life guarding at a swimming pool for smug douchebags.
I had a lot of gifs completed for the game I'm working on, and the concept is for the most part nailed, but sadly only one person expressed interest in helping me after my previous post (which while I appreciate the thought, seemed a tad underqualified). However, after reviewing what I had, I just wasn't satisfied with the art direction. It's cartoony, which makes it much easier to draw, but I just didn't like it very much. So I've decided to take it back to the concept stage. At the bottom you'll see one of my speed paintings (chopped in half due to size restrictions), where I just zone out and try to come up with a 15 minute design that I can sharpen later.
So if anyone could get me pointed in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it. I can program a bit, but not to the extent that I need this game to pull off. So if you could help me in any one of these areas below, it would confirm my belief that Newgrounds is the best community on the web (even though I do poke fun at it from time to time).
-Programming Partner - I have my doubts on this, but thought I'd throw it out there
-Books on how to program if no one is willing to help
-A way to get sponsored
-A way to stop smoking crack. It's a hell of a drug.
If anyone is interested, or would like to help, drop me a PM and I can fill you in on the details of the game, which could potentially work for the Wii as well because I have some fun ideas. So please for the love of God, hellllpp meeeee.
In other news, there have been some great submissions in the past couple weeks that have really shown some originality. I don't have the time to hyperlink all of them, but I really like what I see. Also, the ComiCon poster is sweet, I still haven't won $100 bucks, or a bill for $1, and I'm still waiting for MGS Collab Disc 2. Also, Outlaw 2 is still in production, but with this game set-back, it's hard to spend time on it. Also, I don't do drugs.
cool man
Cool indeed baby. Cool indeed.