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Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


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Castle Crashers Art

Posted by BiffTheTimid - July 23rd, 2008

I'm pretty excited for Castle Crashers, and will most definitely be getting it when it comes out on XBLA. I've found a pretty good routine of working on stuff while listening to audio books - which is very entertaining but not too distracting. I usually watch movies, but it's hard to not get distracted. Listening and drawing/animating is suprisingly easy. Think about trying it.

Anyways, I threw this together last night around 3:00am (the book was getting pretty crazy so I worked on random stuff while I listened). Put my own little twist on it. Nothing special, but I thought it'd be fun. See you all in a week. Shiggity Shiggity Shwa.

Castle Crashers Art



Awesome. Will you do any of the others?

Thanks man. I guess I could do others, but all I'd have to do is change the red to orange green or blue. Hahah.

When I usually work on a flash project, I would listen to podcasts ^^

but all the ones that I listened to (College University, and others) stopped updating weekly, so I've switched to radio streamed off the web. I should think of trying the books though XD Seems like a good idea

also, I am soo downloading Castle Crashers first day

Not that I condone this, but there are a lot of audio books to download off torrent sites. You're expanding your mind while expanding your mind. Seriously, think about it. It's sweet. You can read all of the things you've always wanted, but do all the things you've wanted at the same time.

And so am I baby. So am I.



Did you submit to the Castle Crashers fan art? I'm sure they'd be happy to display it

I was unaware that such a thing existed. I'll put some thought into it.

Beats the hell out of my art. Excellent work! What did you use to make this?

Thanks man. It was actually your post that made me think of doing this. I thought to myself "what would a castle crasher look like if it didn't look like a Dan Paladin character?" Also, I did indeed enjoy your fan-art. Photoshop CS3 was used to make mine, but i scanned a quick sketch in.

That's great, there's like no flaws, and it's very detailed.

I'm sure there's at least a flaw or two in there, but I greatly appreciate the fact that you didn't see them. Thanks for the response baby.

That's a great drawing! I also can't wait for that game! It's gonna rock! As for listening to music when drawing, couldn't agree more! Except when it comes to animation, I really need quiet!

Animation is concentration!

Listen to an audiobook. You will realize what you've been missing your whole life, and shed a tear. Thanks for the kind words, and Castle Crashers is going to be sweet.

I animate and listen to Television.

I should probably listen to audiobooks that's a good idea.

The problem with television (or movies) as I've learned is this: Either you are too distracted by the tv/movie to animate, or you're too distracted by animating to watch the tv/movie. Either way you feel slighted. However, with an audio book, you have nothing to watch so you aren't missing anything. It's great.

Sick drawing. I put on music that fits the scene when I animate since I have a short attention span. I like having the TV on at low volume, but I still end up getting distracted by the tiny refection of the TV screen in the computer monitor.

What's nice about an audiobook as that you'll pay attention without realizing it. I usually have a mini-dvd player next to my pc so i can look over from time to time, but that limits the movies I watch to the ones I don't care about. Then when I miss a lot of it, I won't care. As for tv, I don't have one in my room so :*(

I suggest you not to play lazy-guy and create something original with the other knights. Make the orange knight with the spear, and the blue one with a huge mace or smth for instance.
Anyway, have fun!

I was thinking if anything I'd draw an animal orb. Those things are sweet looking. I like your ideas though, and I will indeed have fun.

Audio book? What kind of stuff do you listen too, do you get it off itunes? I often listen to just music while doing other stuff, but an audio book could make for a fun change.

Fantastic colouring btw.

Books off of iTunes are ridiculously expensive. The best thing to do is go to your local library and go to their audio book section, take a few out and rip them to your computer. I'm not sure how legal that is though. There are also books you can download online for free, but they're harder to find.

As for the books I've listened to, I listened to The Hobbit after I heard they were making a movie based on it with Del Toro as a director. I've listened to the Dark Tower series after people said my movie "Outlaw" reminded them of it. And I'm trying to listen to books by the guy who wrote fight club and choke. Good stuff.

It's said that complete silence is best for animating. Taken from Richard Williams' book. I do believe in that but it's damn hard to be in complete silence :S

I feel like with something to listen to that engages me, I have more motivation to stay and work. With a sweet story going on, you'll want to stay and listen to it, but you won't want to just sit and listen. So instead of sitting idly, I animate. Booyah~!

i usually have the TV on as 'background noise'. If not then its just some laid-back music or stuff that i know by heart.

Try the audiobook. You'll thank me for it. All I ask in return is if you come to the states, buy me a beer.

nah you could draw some pets or other playable characters ;)

I think I'm just going to take the drawing I already have, swap the colors, and call it a new drawing. Yeah~!

I wouldn't mess with him. Nice work.

He'll cut you so bad man, you'll wish he didn't cut you so bad.

Nice drawing!

Nice Super Mario Twins reference!

Nice to see you're still cheery after your previous posts!

Nicely put, that listening and doing other stuff is easy (study + heavy metal = learing!)!

Nice is such a pretty place this time of the year, don't you think?!

Nice is a good biscuit, agreed!?

Anyhow, regarding your search for a programer, have tried the forums yet? I recently got lucky and found myself a patner for my latest flash movie by posting on the Flash forums, I'm betting you could do to (aboce all with your clear and excelent talent!).

Oh, and if you ever need a voice actor, you know who to call, right?


Hey, that's pretty cool!

LOL you're a dork!
couldn't help but notice you didn't get a single negative comment
so here :D