Hello Newgrounds. I haven't made a post in a long time, and since I have nothing else to do right now, I suppose I'll give anyone interested an idea of what I've been up to.
Having recently moved into an apartment, I've been trying to find a job so that I can pay for the apartment. It's a vicious cycle. I graduated college in the spring and have a graphic design degree, but so far that degree has gotten me dick. I can't find a job in the area, can't find freelance online, and I'm not going to work at the local McDonalds. So if you see a hobo on the streets who looks like he's in his 20's, and doesn't quite smell like blood and feces yet, it's probably me.
That should explain my recent inactivity with newgrounds. I was very happy to see my work featured in the MGS disc 2 collab. It's not the best, but around the time I was making it, I had a death in the family and had to travel a lot around the time of the deadline. I did what I could, and like what I turned in, even if the quality was lacking.
So right now, in between trying to find a job and surviving, I'm still working on Outlaw pt.2, and something else simultaneously. The latter is going to be released before Outlaw pt.2. Since I'm not a huge part of the Newgrounds Lexicon, I doubt this means much to most of you, but those who care, I've uploaded a cropped version of some character design. It's rough and unfinished, but it'll give you a sneak peak. So keep a look out for either a hobo on the street, or a new movie from me some time soon-ish. Fuck.
Hold on, Outlaw is one of the best serious flash that Negrounds had got in the last time, I'm watching for your works!
thanks man, i really appreciate that.