I've got my pole up, and decorated with nothing. Let us air grievances, and perform feats of strength. I'm also celebrating Christmas, sort of like how you can celebrate Kwanzaa as well as Hanukkah. I'm expecting Always Sunny In Philadelphia Seasons 1 and 2 (funniest show I've seen in a while), the Street Fighter Tribute book which looks epic, and Fallout 3. I'd also like one of those spiffy new Macbook Pro's, but yeah, that's not going to happen unless my girlfriend decided to shell out the cash. It'd be like a male equivalent of an engagement ring, so fuck that shit.
Hope all you kiddies get what you want. Maybe the complete Naruto manga series, Gak, the new Taylor Swift CD, a trike, a Creepy Crawlers set, High School Musical 3, He-Man figures, a beanie that has cat ears, a T-shirt that says something witty that shows you have a fun and care-free personality, who knows. Whatever it is, I hope you get it.
Also, I've been doing an illustration a day to beef my portfolio up. Today I give to you Pico, grown up and hardened from a life of being bad-ass. Since the pixel limit is ungodly small, there is also a link to a much better looking high res version. Maybe I'll do Darnell next. Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus for the rest of us.
High Rez Pico - Click here you nancy boy
Ha, if you're doing a drawing a day, sounds like you're still pretty busy.
Anyways, Merry Christmas.
And I hope you get those DVDs, they're fucking gold.