View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


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Joined on 7/25/01

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Philadelphia Shinanegans + HDD FAIL

Posted by BiffTheTimid - October 1st, 2009

Greetings Hebrews and Shebrews. For anyone who has noticed my absence in the last month, there's a reason for it. I begin Grad school. Tonight is the first night since living here that I've had the internet. W00ty w00t~!

Here are some fun things that have happened since I've moved - My car broke down. My Hard Drive failed. I haven't had internet, even though it was "turned on" a week ago. I had packages that were sent to me that were never delivered, causing me to drive places with a car that doesn't work. While trying to fix my computer, I cut my finger, bleeding all over my motherboard, causing more damage.

That being said, I'm really enjoying my time here so far. My classes are cool, my peers are cool. I meant to show a picture of me with my NG certificate in this post, but I haven't received it, nor anything else from NG - which worries me. I updated my address a while ago, but I know how NG staff basically have to send things themselves so it probably takes some time. Anyways.

My hard drive is dead. I don't know how much can be recovered, nor when things can be recovered. I have a replacement, and I backed up most of my stuff. BUT..... Outlaw pt.2 wasn't backed up. I have my fingers crossed that I can get that stuff restored, but who knows.... It's just one more slap to the face with a dong I've received while living here. Anyways, I bet this is bordering on the "tl;dr" length, so with in closing - here is my illustration that was rejected for the calendar contest. Enjoy, and I hope to return to contributing to NG soon.


Said the father, to his children, At the Seeeder you will dine
You will eat your fill of matzah, you will driiiiiink four cups of wine

Elijah declared that he would return once each generation in the guise of someone poor or oppressed, coming to people's doors to see how he would be treated. Thus would he know whether or not humanity had become ready to participate in the dawn of the Messianic age. He is said to visit every seder, and sip there from his cup of wine.

That recently happened to me, I'm studying film now. People on Newgrounds thought i was dead for a while. You're going to have to get used to people thinking you are on here. Anyways, best of luck for school and all.

Thanks man, I read that you started film school. From your past work, I think it's a great fit. Just to give you a heads up, you're voice acting in Outlaw pt.2. I know you never expressed interest in VA'ing, but uh.... yeah... its going to happen.

Glad to see your back in action, sucks about your losing your backups though. This is why I basically back up my whole hard drive once a week. I. AM. PARANOID.

What pisses me off is that all the stuff that I didn't have backed up at the time I had considered backing up. My exact thought process was, "Man... I should back this stuff up in case my HDD dies. Eh.... I'll do it some time soon." What's the word on Fizz?

Well heres a lil inspirational quote from an american classic.

"The night is darkest before the dawn."

So Keep ya head up and good luck with that HD.

Getting internet was the proverbial sun coming over the horizon. I just hope my car starts today (and doesn't have any tickets)....(and isn't keyed or broken into). I'm pretty confident the HDD is salvageable.

you're lucky you didn't awaken the beast within your motherboard when you spilled blood on it.

After my blood fell on it, I've heard whispers from no discernible source telling me that I need to make a greater offering.

I'll give you a slap to the face with my dong

Choose the time, place, and cheek.

DRINK MY PSS !... Nice colour

How about instead of me drinking your pss, you drink mine? I dug your latest fight scene.

You know I actually like seeing your Pico interpretation everywhere you go. I like it. Maybe it's a sign that it should just keep appearing everywhere instead of one place 4ever.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by it appearing in one place forever, but I'm glad you like seeing it.

Oh man, that's too bad about your hard drive, I know how frustrating it is to lose your data !

I hope Outlaw 2 can be salvaged from the disc somehow, episode one was absolutely killer and I am really looking forward to seeing more.

The Pico / Hominid picture is pretty keen BTW.