View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


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Joined on 7/25/01

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lols to the balls

Posted by BiffTheTimid - June 6th, 2010

Hey there newgrounds. Figured I'd give a little heads up. I'll be submitting something to robot day, and it's going to be super sweet - but not in flash. Below is a little sneak peak. Also, I'm still working on a flash project that I'm going to bang out over the very short summer break of 1 week.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to Kirbopher. He'd like to make some virtually free money for the summer. All you have to do is send him something that is well drawn - it could be your own character, someone else's character, or even one of his own characters (which are actually based off of someone else's characters). It'll only cost you 5 bucks (which equals out to roughly 60 bucks an hour)* and you'll receive that same character you sent in, only poorly drawn. But this offer only lasts 25 days, so get in while the deal lasts!

Oh, but don't post on his wall. You'll hurt his feelings and he'll delete your comments if they even remotely resemble criticism. Oh, and don't post criticism or hurtful comments about me in my post either. I'll just delete them so no one can see that you don't like me. Sundays are fun. lolz.

*5 minutes per drawing. 60 minutes in an hour. 60/5 = 12. 12 * $5 = $60.

lols to the balls


I want a picture of every single NG user having an orgy

Ask him to do it. 5 bucks and it's all yours.

So much hate... so much anger...


I think someone needs a good dose of COCK JOKE.

The remedy to all of life's problems!

Have you taken your dose of COCK JOKE today?

Anyway, it seems like a bad bargain, certainly, but everyone who accepts is doing it by their own free will and, hopefully, are rational adults, so standard economic theory says everyone should be better off with the trade. Or not. Now that I think of it, does it even matter?


I dislike outlandish solicitation. There's neither hate nor anger though. Just the lols.

stop fisting the simple kid >:c


"criticism or hurtful comments about me in my post either".

Nooooo, criticism. Deleted.

where ya been biff

I've been balls deep in graduate work. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. Once the summer term hits, I'll have free time to do stuff. Also, I like ur arts.

I know, I know, I'm just messing with ya.

And isn't supposed to be lulz?

Oh, and on a more serious note, I'm very intrigued by your picture, although I've yet to decipher what it's going to become.

I like lolz more. It rolls off the tongue better. That picture is my robot in the viewport with the rig control curves, and the test render on the right. What does the future hold for it? You shall find out July 10th.

Doesn't sound like our friend Chris has experienced the world of minimum wage.

I for one life guarded during the summer. It's low stress and good pay (HINT HINT).

lol, A+. Hope you're doing well, not getting shanked and what not!

I haven't yet, but I've had a few scares and some close calls. GJ on Picomart btw.

I think there's a bit of maths fail there...

||60/5 = 30. 30 * $5 = $60.

60/5 = 12 therefore 12 * $5 = 60

Ooof, total math fail. I did that in the midst of writing a thesis proposal so my brain hurts. I'll fix. Good call.

Hello, my name is Mr Hustling, you give me 5 $ and i give to you a geydrawofshit.jpgey

Can you draw me a paradoy of a VR-Trooper?

You better watch what you say or Kirbyiffer will delete your front page post.

Criticism. DELETED. Everyone must appear to like me.

no, sorry, I do not draw human

Ok, can I have a penis? It doesn't have to be a human penis. $5.

Keerbiffer :> hurdurf!

Derp Derp Derp.

Meik moar flash plix!
Crotchless pants made me shit my pants and i want more!

You've got it. This summer baby.


tee hee~!

critisism: you clearly hate anime style and bash it, but your art style clearly resembles anime influence. LOLWTFBBQ!??!?!?!?!??

Harassment. Nooooooooo~! If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. DELETED. ART STYLE INSULTS! ANIME HATE~!

Shouldn't you be working on Outlaw 2? I'm getting kinda impatient waiting for it...
The first one was awesome! :P

Scripts written. Once I find the time to really focus on it, I'll bang it out. I don't want to rush it, so I haven't worked on it much lately. It will be made though.

You me and Jazza need to start the first NG 3D collab
seriously pm me some time we'll get some planning goin!


3d is where its at. Gotta get some personal stuff done but you should remind me that you're interested sometime in the near future and we'll work something out.

$5 for a drawing of anything? Gee, that sounds familiar:
<a href="http://egoraptor.newgrounds.com/news/post/477107">http://egoraptor.newgrounds.com/news/

The difference being the quality of art produced.

Yeah, that was implied.

That's just where he got the idea.

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