View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


Paper Salesman

Hard Knocks

One of the Coasts

Joined on 7/25/01

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Hey there random dude.

Posted by BiffTheTimid - July 23rd, 2007

I'm writing this knowing full well not a single damn one of you are actually going to read this, but I figured why the hell not. I've been working on a serious project for the past four months on and off that I think is going to be awesome when its finished. It's about an Outlaw that makes a deal with the devil. I'm nearing the end mark of part 1. If it goes over well I'll make a part 2, and if it doesn't then I quit life. I'm not going to off myself or anything - I'm just going to quit school, move to Hoboken NJ (the asshole of America) and wander the streets aimlessly. Maybe join a gang and change my name to Laquon, or some other random fucked up arrangement of syllables that I've seen turned into names.

Oh, here's a picture of it by the way, just so you (and by you I mean no one since no one is reading this) know that I don't suck huge donkey balls.

Hey there random dude.


good luck champ

(thimbs up)

Looking good sir!

Good luck. I'll keep an eye out for it.

I think you meant wander the streets aimlessly. I think Laquon would be disappointed if your next movie ended up being as highly rated as Tankmen 2.

Seems like "How 2 Succeed " ought to make for good PR
I'll be lookin forward to this'un
Regards 'n@ ~ D

Most people are saying good luck and i don't know why.
They should be saying GOOD FUCKING JOB!
That scene looks amazing. Unless something goes terribly wrong with the animating it should easily end up on the front page

an outlaw who makes a deal with the devil sounds like the story of the old guy in the film ghost rider xD!!!! After viewing your last flash im really looking forward to this, im sure its gna rock xDDDDD!!!!! you say this is "going to be awesome" im sure its "going to beat awesome" like your last flash xDDDDDDDD great job wow im leaving a comment after the legend that is johnnyutah creator of tank man xD!

You think nobody reads it but infact I could bet that anyone who comes on to see your stuff reads it.
Heres what i think good animations need:
A) Good graphics ( that will make up for shitty animating that you will be able to do and still get away with it)
B) Great animation ( this requires more skill than just good graphics and so will score higher even tho you have shit art)
C) Both A and B together = one amazing animation, the likes of Bitey from the Brackenwood series are at this stage of awesomeness.

So all I have to say really is, good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your new work.

July 23rd huh.


finish this. share your mind with the world, i wanna see.

PM me when this is completed.


well I read it, because it looks interesting.

I'm NOT GOING TO LOOK FOR IT when it comes out but if it's frontpaged I'll definitely be pumped. lmao

hey there random dude!?
yeah....i bet everyone who saw atleast ONE of your movies read this, have you got like, a demo or somthing on newgrounds for the flash about the outlaw gimp guy, you know who i mean
this blog is funnier than half the shit on newgrounds
keep it up(Y)

The HELL you don't!



Can't wait to see this.

Please check your inbox, as I had a naked little dwarf named Mellville deliver you a messege.


I really disagree with Lombies.. we have enough crappy ' good looking' animations here...

A good movie/game has good gfx, smooth animation with a personal style and also a strong story.. It's real basic stuff ppl..

Good job on your movie btw, and I hope to see this new project soon :)

plz tell me when it is done i love how to sucseed on ng it was great

I read this and check on it a lot actually, i love your stuff and ideas. Keep them coming!

I'd love to see you venture into more searious flashes.

That's some fine stuff there. Looks 3D... to me. Might need a change in glasses.

Looks EPIC. Good luck!

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