View Profile BiffTheTimid
Talkin' 'bout cream cheese sandwiches.


Paper Salesman

Hard Knocks

One of the Coasts

Joined on 7/25/01

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BiffTheTimid's News

Posted by BiffTheTimid - March 4th, 2009

Resident Evil 2 is RACIST!!! Now that I have your attention, read my stuff that has nothing to do with my headline!!!! Whenever I see that shit, not only do I not read what you have to say, if you have movies, I vote 0 on every single one of them for a month. Well, no I don't, but I honestly don't read any more.

I haven't made a news post since before Christmas, so I figured I'd let people know what's going on. I've been applying like crazy for grad school, and now with that finished, I'm just looking for temporary work until I start school again. Which means I have plenty of time to animate. I made something for the Street Fighter Collab that came out on the 17th, when the game came out. Oh wait, never mind, it came out when the movie came out, this past Friday. Oh wait, never mind, I think it's coming out to coincide with the 1994 Street Fighter Blu-Ray DVD release. Kidding aside, I'm excited to see how it turns out, seeing as a lot of great animators are participating. If it comes out today, this post is going to make no sense if I haven't been bumped down already.

As for original stuff, I've got Outlaw pt.2 still in the works slowly but surely, a smaller project that might come out sooner, and a secret project that I hope I can finish. It's going to be pretty kick ass if all goes well. I'll be needing voice actors for Outlaw soon, and have had a few requests for auditions privately. More info on that in 7 days or so.

Posted by BiffTheTimid - December 25th, 2008

I've got my pole up, and decorated with nothing. Let us air grievances, and perform feats of strength. I'm also celebrating Christmas, sort of like how you can celebrate Kwanzaa as well as Hanukkah. I'm expecting Always Sunny In Philadelphia Seasons 1 and 2 (funniest show I've seen in a while), the Street Fighter Tribute book which looks epic, and Fallout 3. I'd also like one of those spiffy new Macbook Pro's, but yeah, that's not going to happen unless my girlfriend decided to shell out the cash. It'd be like a male equivalent of an engagement ring, so fuck that shit.

Hope all you kiddies get what you want. Maybe the complete Naruto manga series, Gak, the new Taylor Swift CD, a trike, a Creepy Crawlers set, High School Musical 3, He-Man figures, a beanie that has cat ears, a T-shirt that says something witty that shows you have a fun and care-free personality, who knows. Whatever it is, I hope you get it.

Also, I've been doing an illustration a day to beef my portfolio up. Today I give to you Pico, grown up and hardened from a life of being bad-ass. Since the pixel limit is ungodly small, there is also a link to a much better looking high res version. Maybe I'll do Darnell next. Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus for the rest of us.

High Rez Pico - Click here you nancy boy

Happy Festivus

Posted by BiffTheTimid - October 14th, 2008

Hello Newgrounds. I haven't made a post in a long time, and since I have nothing else to do right now, I suppose I'll give anyone interested an idea of what I've been up to.

Having recently moved into an apartment, I've been trying to find a job so that I can pay for the apartment. It's a vicious cycle. I graduated college in the spring and have a graphic design degree, but so far that degree has gotten me dick. I can't find a job in the area, can't find freelance online, and I'm not going to work at the local McDonalds. So if you see a hobo on the streets who looks like he's in his 20's, and doesn't quite smell like blood and feces yet, it's probably me.

That should explain my recent inactivity with newgrounds. I was very happy to see my work featured in the MGS disc 2 collab. It's not the best, but around the time I was making it, I had a death in the family and had to travel a lot around the time of the deadline. I did what I could, and like what I turned in, even if the quality was lacking.

So right now, in between trying to find a job and surviving, I'm still working on Outlaw pt.2, and something else simultaneously. The latter is going to be released before Outlaw pt.2. Since I'm not a huge part of the Newgrounds Lexicon, I doubt this means much to most of you, but those who care, I've uploaded a cropped version of some character design. It's rough and unfinished, but it'll give you a sneak peak. So keep a look out for either a hobo on the street, or a new movie from me some time soon-ish. Fuck.

What I've been doing/not doing lately

Posted by BiffTheTimid - July 23rd, 2008

I'm pretty excited for Castle Crashers, and will most definitely be getting it when it comes out on XBLA. I've found a pretty good routine of working on stuff while listening to audio books - which is very entertaining but not too distracting. I usually watch movies, but it's hard to not get distracted. Listening and drawing/animating is suprisingly easy. Think about trying it.

Anyways, I threw this together last night around 3:00am (the book was getting pretty crazy so I worked on random stuff while I listened). Put my own little twist on it. Nothing special, but I thought it'd be fun. See you all in a week. Shiggity Shiggity Shwa.

Castle Crashers Art


Posted by BiffTheTimid - July 16th, 2008

Hey everyone. I've hit a slump in my production lately, and its starting to piss me off. I've been trying to work on a game in the hopes of getting sponsored for it, and its a process that I know very little about I've begun to realize. I'm determined to stick with it, because after graduating college with a degree in graphic design, I'm not about to waste half my summer life guarding at a swimming pool for smug douchebags.

I had a lot of gifs completed for the game I'm working on, and the concept is for the most part nailed, but sadly only one person expressed interest in helping me after my previous post (which while I appreciate the thought, seemed a tad underqualified). However, after reviewing what I had, I just wasn't satisfied with the art direction. It's cartoony, which makes it much easier to draw, but I just didn't like it very much. So I've decided to take it back to the concept stage. At the bottom you'll see one of my speed paintings (chopped in half due to size restrictions), where I just zone out and try to come up with a 15 minute design that I can sharpen later.

So if anyone could get me pointed in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it. I can program a bit, but not to the extent that I need this game to pull off. So if you could help me in any one of these areas below, it would confirm my belief that Newgrounds is the best community on the web (even though I do poke fun at it from time to time).

-Programming Partner - I have my doubts on this, but thought I'd throw it out there
-Books on how to program if no one is willing to help
-A way to get sponsored
-A way to stop smoking crack. It's a hell of a drug.

If anyone is interested, or would like to help, drop me a PM and I can fill you in on the details of the game, which could potentially work for the Wii as well because I have some fun ideas. So please for the love of God, hellllpp meeeee.


In other news, there have been some great submissions in the past couple weeks that have really shown some originality. I don't have the time to hyperlink all of them, but I really like what I see. Also, the ComiCon poster is sweet, I still haven't won $100 bucks, or a bill for $1, and I'm still waiting for MGS Collab Disc 2. Also, Outlaw 2 is still in production, but with this game set-back, it's hard to spend time on it. Also, I don't do drugs.

Current Status

Posted by BiffTheTimid - June 28th, 2008

I went ahead and decided to make How to Succeed on Newgrounds Part 2. After working on other projects for what seems like forever, I needed a break in the serious stuff, and wanted to make something a bit more on the humor side. Now that it's finished, it's time to start back up on the real stuff.

I'm trying to make a game right now thats a cross between Castlevania and Megaman. I've learned a lot about coding in the past few months, but I'm still god awful, so if anyone wants in on this shit, let me know. I'm also trying to figure out how to get it sponsored so I can spend more time working on it, since I have Outlaw pt.2 in production as well. If anyone has any information, leave a message or PM me.

Anyways, hope you enjoy HTSONpt.2, and don't take it too seriously. Also, here's a pic of the character from my game.

(still waiting on that MGS collab)

Part Two is finished

Posted by BiffTheTimid - April 8th, 2008

Hello everyone on Newgrounds. I have a relatively unimportant announcement, but I feel like making it anyways. It's kind of long though, so I expect few of you to read it all.

Anyone who watched and reviewed my last movie, Outlaw pt.1, I'm very grateful. It makes me very happy to see that a decent amount of people enjoyed it. However, I've been putting a lot of thought into whether I should continue with the series or not.

When it first entered the portal, I was positive that I would not in fact make a second. It's score was below a 4, and the first review I ever received was from a kid who gave it a 0, and said it was boring (it's been deleted I believe). Another one said they didn't watch the whole thing, stating the same reason. I've released a decent amount of movies to newgrounds, so that wasn't anything new to me. Most of my movies are below a 4 rating, with even fewer above 10k views.

That's fine with me however. Most of the movies were made a in a few days time, and were just for fun. I liked what I made, but never had a sense of pride in them. Not like I had for Outlaw. I spent countless hours working on the story, the plot, the dialogue, the backgrounds, the animation, music - everything. It was my first attempt at a serious movie and I put everything into it. I even re-recorded the entire movie's dialogue after I got a new mic (a socom navy seals usb headset) so that it would sound crisper. Even after I finished animating the movie, I spent two weeks editing the scenes to make it flow better, removing or shortening some and adding others.

After the animation was complete, I spent another week and a half creating the extras, and then another week to figure out how to code the movie to have subtitles - and have the subtitles work correctly with scene select (I almost let the bug stay, but decided against it). At that point it would take 5 minutes to edit one line of code, since the file size was 150+ megs, and I had over 800 symbols. I stuck it out though, and got the code working. Even after all that, I had to find a way to bring the size under 10 megs, and spent a day working on sound compression. All in all, I'd say around 6 actual months of work was put into the movie.

Needless to say, it was soul crushing to see it perform so poorly out of judgment. It got the daily first though, and I was happy with that. With hundreds of submissions that day, mine was first. A few days passed, and it began to sink in that it wouldn't make front page. After another day without it being there, I accepted that it would stay at roughly 5000 views and remain in obscurity.

I'm a graphic/interactive design student about to graduate college (even tried to get an internship at NG), so I always knew I could use the movie as a portfolio piece. No matter what happened on newgrounds, I knew this piece still had value to me. I could still use it to get into grad-school, even if no one on newgrounds cared about it. But then, low and behold, it was on the front page. My dashed hopes had been risen, and a larger audience got a change to watch it. However, the experience has been bitter sweet.

As its score rose, it made top 50. What a feeling it is to be on the top 50 of all time where I had seen all of my favorite movies reach. When it reached #3, I knew it was doomed. No movie save MGA2 and Waterlollies (or anything Adam Phillips) has lasted that high for very long. And thus, it was voted back into obscurity. As it stands, it still has a very good score, a lot of reviews, and a lot of favorites. However, I've reached a dilemma - a conflict within myself.

Any way I look at it, Outlaw pt.1 is a success. Many people have expressed their excitement for the story to continue. It had reached top 50, and many people favorited it - a small gesture that goes a long way. It reached 30,000 views. All this is great. However.

In my desire to make something else other than Outlaw during its long and arduous process, I created "How to Succeed on Newgrounds". It took me a few days to make it, and honestly thought it was going to get blammed. And now it has 110,000+ views and several awards. It was 6th over-all that month (a stinging blow), and still gets reviews and comments to this day. All this is great, and I love it. But at the same time I see that a movie that I spent a couple days on has gotten close to 4 times the views as something I spent half a year on. Granted they are two completely different styles and genres of movies, but the fact remains that HTSON is a much greater success. The only difference is that Outlaw is ranked 1/100th of a point higher. With Outlaw not making the top 20 this month, it has made me think very hard on where I should put my efforts. That's not to claim that it deserves top 20, but I still believe Outlaw is better than HTSON.

This rollercoaster ride that is newgrounds has made me reflect on my work, and think about where I should put my efforts. In no way am I saying that my movie is/was immaculate that deserves praise and demands respect. But it has made me think about if making a second is worth it. So much time spent on something that will garner very little attention over-all. The first one had a reason outside of newgrounds to be created. It is now a portfolio piece to showcase my work. The second one however would be strictly for newgrounds, and nothing else. While I still take great pride in the universe I've created and the movie I've made to portray it, part one didn't generate enough interest to justify a second. Movies like Tom's Easter Orgy have double the views (hilarious by the way). Most people just don't seem to care about what I've made - and perhaps it doesn't deserve it - but regardless, It's made me think long and hard if I should make a second.

That's not to say I'll never make a second, but if I did, it would be purely for the love of the story I've made and for nothing - or no one else. It will have to wait until graduation though. I've got a job and a place to live to find. However, I will indeed be attempting to enter the MGS Collab. I loved the Blamformers collaboration. I have other projects in mind as well. But as stated miles above, Outlaw Pt.2 is in limbo, and I will be thinking long and hard in the coming months on if I will complete it. So to those who are eagerly awaiting the sequel, you may have to wait a while. If the wait is unbearable, maybe I'll tell you what happens if you PM me. Who knows. Anyways, thanks to those who took the time to read this all, and stay classy newgrounds. You're a great community. Oh, and here's a small shot from the short I'm working on for the collab.

Outlaw pt2 in Limbo

Posted by BiffTheTimid - March 10th, 2008

It's almost hard to believe that I'm finally finished. I began production of the movie in January 07. I decided to stop working on it during the summer, and was too busy all of last semester to get it finished. After a spark of inspiration, I decided to put all my efforts into finishing it.

Even after the animation was finished there was still the extras to complete. Though I could have just tossed them aside, I thought it was important to show people how I made the movie. That way, young aspiring artists could perhaps learn, and create their own movies. I hope that what I have done inspires people the way other artists have inspired me.

Then I had coding set backs. Toward the end, the .fla file size was 150 megs, and any time I tried to edit the action script, it would take 5 minutes to even load. I couldn't get anything to work how I wanted it to, and spent days changing code, and waiting 5 minutes for it to unfreeze, only to find out the code was messed up. But thanks to the forums, and some very kind newgrounds regulars, I managed to get everything up and running. Oh, and the actionscript.org forums can suck it.

Due to the extremely long and grueling process of creating Outlaw, I don't plan on making Pt.2 unless there is a warm reception to this movie. I have everything planned out, and it would most likely be a 3 part story. However, if it turns out no one likes it, this prologue will most likely be the epilogue as well. So let me know what you think!

**Also, My Friend code is - 4639 8651 2062 - Lets brawl it up baby, w000ooo~!**

Posted by BiffTheTimid - January 31st, 2008

Hey Newgrounds. I've decided to make a game, and have been working on the concept for the past couple of weeks. It's going to be a side-scrolling action adventure game, with RPG elements mixed in. Basically picture Castlevania without the androgynous characters and vampires. I've got the art and background aspect of the game prettymuch covered. However, coding is something that I'm familiar with, but by no means able to pull off in the scale and magnitude that I"m planning.

If anyone is interested in helping on the code end, drop me a message or comment. I've got the concept and story of the game worked out, so if you are curious about any of the details on what you'd be coding, let me know and I'll fill you in. Naturally, I would like to see what other things you have been involved in if you are indeed interested. Below should be a relatively quick drawing I made of what I'm thinking the main character will look like (he doesn't have a face yet). Obviously the ingame character will be less detailed, but it's a place to start when starting to create the character in flash.

-In other news, the flash I've now been working on for the past year on and off is nearing completion. Be on the look out for it in February. And for the love of God enjoy it. I've already stated in a previous post what will happen if you don't. It involves Hoboken, New Jersey.

Creating a game - Concept Stage

Posted by BiffTheTimid - July 23rd, 2007

I'm writing this knowing full well not a single damn one of you are actually going to read this, but I figured why the hell not. I've been working on a serious project for the past four months on and off that I think is going to be awesome when its finished. It's about an Outlaw that makes a deal with the devil. I'm nearing the end mark of part 1. If it goes over well I'll make a part 2, and if it doesn't then I quit life. I'm not going to off myself or anything - I'm just going to quit school, move to Hoboken NJ (the asshole of America) and wander the streets aimlessly. Maybe join a gang and change my name to Laquon, or some other random fucked up arrangement of syllables that I've seen turned into names.

Oh, here's a picture of it by the way, just so you (and by you I mean no one since no one is reading this) know that I don't suck huge donkey balls.

Hey there random dude.